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Enriching the Curriculum

Music at Barlby

Music at Barlby Primary School is an important part of our everyday life.We have a focus on whole class instrumental music tuition, where children have the opportunity to learn the ukulele, recorder, ocarina, glockenspiel and djembe drums with a specialist music teacher.We are a strong singing school, with weekly singing assemblies and annual whole school musical productions taking place.Many children are involved in our extra-curricular musical programme which includes a school choir and a ukulele club. We have developed a flourishing partnership with the Tri-borough Music Hub which has enabled us to host instrumental music tuition with specialist musicians here at Barlby. Other opportunities for our pupils have included massed choir performances with professional orchestras at the Royal Albert Hall and the Kensington Town Hall.

We offer a broad curriculum at Barlby which enriches the children's experience and promotes a love of learning. We seek to recognise our children's talents.



Curriculum Enrichment

At Barlby we offer a number of curriculum enrichment opportunities. These opportunities are not necessarily available to all children at the same time but as children move through the school they get the chance to take part in a range of clubs.


The children in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 have the opportunity to join the choir from Autumn 2. Through this club the children learn a range of songs which are performed throughout the year to the rest of the school and the wider community.


Get in touch

Barlby Primary School, Treverton Street, London, W10 6DW
020 8969 3988