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Mathematics at Barlby Primary School


At Barlby we build on successful outcomes over time and equip children with essential skills in calculation, reasoning, and problem-solving for life inside and outside of school. We focus on helping children express themselves fluently in math, confidently discussing the subject using the correct language and vocabulary. We also aim to develop efficient mental calculation strategies for all four operations and ensure pupils are confident in using written methods for these operations.


Our approach to planning maths lessons aligns with the structures and recommendations outlined in the National Curriculum Programmes of Study. We utilise the White Rose scheme of learning as a foundational framework, adapting our lessons to meet the diverse needs of our pupils.

Each week, we create detailed plans that specify the learning intentions for every lesson while outlining how we tailor the content. We focus on small, progressive steps daily, ensuring that all children grasp key mathematical concepts effectively.

Across all year groups, we adhere to the White Rose medium-term programmes of study, which comprehensively outline the curriculum for the academic year across three terms. Class teachers then engage in weekly planning using resources from the White Rose website, making necessary adaptations to personalise the learning experience for their specific classes.

This structured yet flexible approach enables us to maintain a high standard of mathematics education, ensuring that our pupils receive the support they need to thrive.

Lesson Structure

The structure of a lesson will vary based on the topic covered and the needs of the pupils. Steps throughout a lesson are small to ensure that all pupils understand the key concepts before they are exposed to new ones. It is important that nothing is assumed and that all key prior knowledge is revisited as appropriate. It is expected that all pupils have the opportunity to apply their understanding of a topic as a result of their exposure to rich and deep mathematical problems.

During a lesson, or a series of lessons, children will be given the opportunity to practise new skills, apply these skills in different ways as a result of variation or within a different concept and reason and explain the concept.


We promote mixed ability groupings within our classrooms, ensuring that learning in each lesson is tailored to meet the individual needs of every learner. We promote collaborative learning, which fosters discussion, diverse perspectives, and enhances reasoning skills.

Teacher judgements inform necessary adaptations, allowing learners to be supported by lesson structure, their peers, additional adults, and teacher scaffolds. Rather than simply accelerating pupils to new content, we prioritise higher-order questioning and problem-solving to extend their understanding. All pupils are expected to encounter challenges that stimulate their growth throughout each lesson.


Marking is a key component of our classroom practice, conducted by all adults during lessons to assess student understanding efficiently. This allows for immediate identification of misconceptions, which can be addressed quickly, ensuring that all children grasp the taught concepts.

If prevalent misunderstandings occur, they are revisited in the next lesson for the entire class. Teachers highlight development areas in purple ink and offer a 'Respond to Marking' (RTM) when students need further support or more challenge. This focused feedback fosters a growth mindset and encourages continuous improvement, ensuring our learners have the skills necessary for their mathematical journey.


Our mathematics programme is meticulously designed to enhance pupil understanding through effective assessment strategies. Formative assessment is integral to each lesson, enabling well-structured activities that cultivate discussion, reasoning, and problem-solving skills. At the end of each term, pupils complete summative assessments based on NFER assessment system, providing teachers with age-standardised scores to accurately monitor and track progress.

Additionally, we utilise White Rose end-of-unit assessments to swiftly address any misconceptions before progressing to new concepts. Should a pupil's understanding be deemed insecure, more detailed monitoring and intervention may be employed, ensuring that every child receives the support needed to thrive in their mathematical journey. Through this comprehensive assessment framework, we aim to foster a deep and lasting understanding of mathematics in every student.


At Barlby, we are committed to equipping our pupils with essential mathematical skills by the end of Key Stage Two. Through the White Rose Maths programme, students develop a deep understanding of key concepts, encouraging confidence as they transition to Key Stage 3. Pupils will engage in problem-solving, apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios, and work collaboratively to enhance their learning experience.

They will demonstrate their ability to reason mathematically and communicate ideas effectively, fostering a robust mathematical vocabulary. Weekly formative assessments guide our planning, ensuring tailored support for each learner. 

By incorporating diverse teaching methods, including visual aids and practical resources, we aim to instil a lasting appreciation for mathematics, preparing our students for future success in a rapidly evolving world.

Times Tables Rockstars 

Times Tables are at the heart of mental arithmetic, which in itself helps form the basis of a child’s understanding and ability when working with number. Once the children have learnt the times tables and related divisions by heart, they are able to work far more confidently and efficiently through a wide range of more advanced calculations. 

According to the new National Curriculum the expectation of times tables in each year group is as follows:

Year 2 - 2x, 5x, 10x
Year 3 - 3x, 4x, 8x
Year 4 - 6x, 7x, 9x, 11x, 12x
Year 5 - All x and ÷ facts (12x12)
Year 6 - All x and ÷ facts (12x12) and related language/symbols e.g. % and square root

We encourage everyone from Year 2 - Year 6 to log into Times Table Rock Stars to practise their knowledge of times tables and the related division facts. You can log in using the link below or download the app on to a handheld device.

Click here to login to Times Tables Rockstars

Home Learning

Home learning is given on a weekly basis in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 – the children will have a Maths Home Learning book. It provides the children with an additional opportunity to consolidate the key learning from the week. It follows the similar format to the learning completed during the Maths lesson and examples are provided to remind the children or the method they should be using.

Please click here for Maths National Curriculum 


Get in touch

Barlby Primary School, Treverton Street, London, W10 6DW
020 8969 3988