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We want pupils to develop the confidence to communicate in Spanish for practical purposes, instill a love of language learning and a respectful awareness of other cultures. In Key Stage Two, we use a high-quality scheme of work provided by Kapow Primary, through which teachers at Barlby Primary School develop pupils’ knowledge of Spanish phonics, vocabulary and grammar. Pupils retrieve and apply their knowledge in a variety of authentic contexts; developing speaking, listening, reading and writing skills to communicate successfully. We aim to give pupils a foundation for language learning that encourages and enables them to apply their skills to other languages.


Barlby Primary has chosen to teach Spanish, one of the most widely spoken languages globally, as its Modern Foreign Language. Through our adopted curriculum, pupils first develop confidence and accuracy with oral skills, then apply their knowledge to extended reading and writing as they progress through Key stage 2. As a spiral curriculum, Kapow Primary’s Spanish scheme enables our pupils to revisit phonics, grammar and vocabulary with increasing complexity. We provide balanced opportunities for communication in both productive (speaking, writing) and receptive (listening, reading) skills. Pupils are given opportunities to communicate for practical purposes around familiar subjects and routines. Lessons incorporate a range of teaching strategies from independent tasks, paired and group work including role-play, language games and language detective work. Finally, we establish cross-curricular links throughout each teaching unit, which allow children to make connections and apply their language skills to other areas of their learning.


By the end of Key Stage Two, our pupils leave school equipped with a range of language-learning skills to enable them to study Spanish, or any other language, with confidence at Key stage 3. Pupils will:

· Show an understanding of spoken language by listening and responding appropriately, speaking and reading aloud with confidence and accuracy in pronunciation.

· Apply their understanding of phonics to make increasingly accurate attempts to read unfamiliar words, phrases and short texts.

· Be able to engage in purposeful dialogue in practical situations (e.g. ordering in a café, following directions) and express an opinion.

· Be able to identify word classes in a sentence and apply grammatical rules they have learnt.

· Have developed a range of language detective skills to tackle unfamiliar words in Spanish, English and other languages.

· Develop a greater awareness of the wider world and an appreciation for the role of language learning in promoting cross-cultural understanding.

Their progress is formatively assessed each week to inform teachers' planning and ensure progression. During lessons, pupils also evaluate their own and their peers’ performance, respond to feedback and recognise their own progress. At the end of each unit, pupils complete a summative assessment of their learning to date.

Get in touch

Barlby Primary School, Treverton Street, London, W10 6DW
020 8969 3988